Have any ever thought to send a note to God, when you have no one around you to share. Is that possible? The answer is yes.
Note To God allows the user to enter a personal note to god. The app is non-denominational and meant to allow anyone with any belief to communicate with their own higher power.
In many religions, the act of writing a letter to god is seen as a holy commitment and a legitimate way of communicating one’s spiritual emotions. The Note To God app is simply a digital expression of those same honest feelings.
After the note is sent, it disappears. A user can not recall past notes. This way, the writing of the note can be completely honest and the hitting of send is a true commitment to what’s in the note.
Every note that is entered is stored anonymously within the database. Users can read through the notes of others to see what people are praying about. Topics can be searched, notes can be seen at random, or viewers can look at the “Notes In The Cloud,” a custom designed interface that shows the most common words that are being prayed about. The larger the word, the more often it appears. Tap on a word to read notes and prayers that include that word.
We hope that this app will help people form a stronger relationship with their own spirituality. We also hope that this app will serve to remind us all that we have more in common than we often realize.
This idea was submitted by Allen Wright of Northern California who said in his submission, “I think that there should be an app so that when you don’t have anyone you can talk to, you can write a note to God.”
source: http://www.medlmobile.com/Applications/NotetoGod/notetogod.shtml
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