Pegasystems SmartBPM™ Suite consists of PegaRULES Process Commander, Process Analyzer, and Process Simulator. It includes componentized business services you can use for analytics, reporting, modeling, simulation, presentation, case management, process flows, business rules, and an enterprise repository for your organization’s policies and procedures. In short, everything you need to build a complete BPM solution. Pegasystems offers additional options, including a rich library of Solution Frameworks and integration components to help get off to a running start and work within your existing infrastructure.
Pegasystems SmartBPM is the only completely unified BPMS (business process management suite) available today. That means you can do everything you need to do for your BPM solution without having to learn separate tools. It also means new levels or real time agility, a capability Pegasystems calls “build for change”, something that offers those starting their BPM journey the confidence that Pegasystems can grow and scale with them.
What do we mean by “build for change”? Well for one thing, shouldn’t it be possible to update goals and policies or specific business rules and have them take effect immediately across an entire enterprise? We think so, and only Pegasystems SmartBPM can give you that kind of competitive power and agility. Pegasystems converts information technology into business technology, making it easy for business and IT to collaborate – no more specification gaps between business intention and process execution. Pegasystems SmartBPM is used by leading organizations of all sizes to start small, find quick wins, and beat their competition by building for change.
With over two decades worth of experience working with innovative organizations around the world, Pegasystems offers the right blend of pragmatism and domain expertise across a wide range of industries: financial services, insurance, retail and wholesale banking, healthcare, compliance, life sciences, government, retail, manufacturing, Six Sigma, and more. Pegasystems experience in helping organizations start small while planning globally, helps keep ROI benefits on track, sustaining a continuous cycle of improvement and growth.
As a result of using SmartBPM, customer experience improves, building loyalty. New and more appropriate products come to market more quickly. Global enterprise changes are managed with ease, eliminating massive amounts of manual effort and – more importantly – allowing the company to use its new found agility to competitive advantage.
Each BPM journey begins with a single step, and logging on to PegaRULES Process Commander is the best first step you can make in building a culture of continuous improvement and change in your organization!
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